Derek In's Team

Submitty is an open source course management, assignment submission, exam and grading system. This project will start by solving the "Configuration of "minimum grade to pass" within each Rainbow Grades category in Submitty" issue and may move on to other tasks we select as a group after.

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

CodeDay Labs team mentored by Derek In. Our team had different levels of experience. Ocean is a graduate of computer science, and Diana is a sophomore in college and Olivia is a graduate with a degree other than computer science.

What challenges did you encounter?

Our team had challenges getting everyone's project configured per the standards of the repo. The repo uses a VM and it had a steep learning curve, which meant that we didn't start coding until the 5th week. Other challenges include busy schedules which didn't allow the team to meet and code together as often as we should have to get more progress done.
Participation Certificate


Olivia Yu