Super Cape Mario

Lucknow(history) ∙ 
A very realistic and practical personalized mario game with advanced python code

What tools did you use to create your project?

  • python

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

To be honest, joined this workshop with just html and java css background...
We introduced our project as a video game to be named as "Super Cape Mario" which is way differ than normal mario and more enjoyable with more levels and features...
But ultimately we just tried with python and html script which turned out to go pretty well as we were quite begginers in Python.

What challenges did you encounter?

As i mentioned, on giving a title as "begginers" it was quite trippin' in the starting but as we went through the project as we tend to learn from the mistakes we made and working on the every fixes...We also encountered issues related to team coordination but i wont complain much as it was random people i teamed up with.
Participation Certificate

