Upgraded 2048

2048 but better with other improvements. You can adjust difficulty across 4 levels, and change what powers you deal with. You can work with powers of 2, 3, or any other number. Difficulties make it range between 9 and 12 powers(512 - 4096 in regular 2048 terms).

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

Experience, rudimentary, I just know how to structure programs and how to google and take blocks of code off of the internet that I need for my project for things like syntax and structuring for things like buttons for application specific things unique to applications(pygame). Also used ChatGPT to fix some of my problems when I couldn't figure them out.

What challenges did you encounter?

When I was first making it, I had a problem with tile generation. Every time you pressed an arrow key, a new tile would generate even if no other tiles move(its not supposed to in 2048). When I tried fixing the problem, the problem was fixed for everything except the down arrow specifically for no apparent reason, the others were normal, but the down arrow key just wanted to be different for some reason.

Later on, when I started adding different bases for the game(powers of 3, or any number), the correct colors didn't apply to the tiles since they were hardcoded for the values of regular 2048, took me a while to figure out how to make it properly color the tiles.

