
Player is to take the role of the government of an island nation, and has to meet the needs of their people based on 4 criteria: Housing, Satisfaction, Jobs, Amenities. The buildings they choose to build contribute to these criteria based on their stats, and take up a certain amount of space. The challenge comes from the restricted 5x5 grid island area, and the rising population levels each passing day. The player will have to use his space efficiently, as it costs money to destroy placed buildings. Certain buildings (Office, Condominiums, Housing Blocks) can be stacked onto one another once for an extra 100 credit fee, allowing them to save space. However, the player will have to consider his decision as these stacked buildings are more expensive to demolish than other buildings. The player will be able to rotate his buildings, cancel his selection to place, ultimately building a little economy to sustain its tiny island nation.

What tools did you use to create your project?

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

Beginner Python Experience
Sprites made using Piskel and Canva
main game engine/body created from scratch with slight assistance from youtube tutorials (by DaFluffyPotato)
Coded in Pycharm CE IDE

What challenges did you encounter?

Communication, allocation of roles, game logic, debugging