We are going to make not only one but two Apps for the betterment of the civilians. Basically there will be two apps, where one will be used by the civilian to share his data, location and problem he's going through to the Super Hero and the other app will be used by Super Hero where the data including location (with longitudes and latitudes) will be shown in the app, so the Super Hero can reach out the location easily.
What tools did you use to create your project?
How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?
So basically, our group has experience of three months.
We didn't used and starter kits. It was all made from scratch. We used official documentation of the respective languages to create the project and took help from the A.I for error solving. Mentors and volunteers also helped out us
What challenges did you encounter?
Packages function, database management between two platforms