Simkl Anime List Integration

Simkl is a movie/anime/TV tracking platform. However, since Simkl separates anime, movies, and TV shows, we want a way to import the anime show list from Simkl into Sonarr, a personal video recording tool that supports anime. We want you to provide an option within the Import Lists feature, specifically in the Simkl User Watchlist section, to allow users to selectively import their desired media list, whether it be for TV Shows or Anime. View more at:

What tools did you use to create your project?

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

CodeDay Labs team in the advanced track.

What challenges did you encounter?

Setting up the development environment and figuring out how to convert JSON values that are not defined in the enum type.