Hana Gabrielle Bidon's Team

CodeDay Labs 2023 ∙ 

Project Description: The project revolves around extending the functionality of Appwrite server using Appwrite Functions and Open Runtimes, and contributors are invited to enhance the Open Runtimes Examples repository.

Issue Description: The issue involves implementing the `getPrice()` function using PHP within the Open Runtimes Examples repository. The function is designed to retrieve the price of cryptocurrencies, stocks, and commodities. Contributors can utilize 3rd party services and introduce their secret keys as function variables. The function should receive the type of goods as payload and return the price in dollars, supporting goods such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Google, Amazon, gold, and silver, with appropriate success or error responses.

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

CodeDay Labs team in the advanced track.

What challenges did you encounter?

Most of the challenges we encountered was navigating the unknown, especially with no experience in Docker or the PHP Language, but these challenges made our experience more exciting and worthwhile.
Participation Certificate


Eddy H