Chine Anikwe's Team: PostHog Clipboard Copy Enhancement

CodeDay Labs 2023 ∙ 

PostHog is an open-source suite of product and data tools, built for engineers. It provides open-source product analytics, session recording, feature flagging and a/b testing that you can self-host.

This task is to fix a simple bug in a Typescript frontend, but once the issue is solved we can pick another issue in this project to work on.

What tools did you use to create your project?

  • typescript

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

This is our first open source project ever and our first time coding with typescript and contributing to a mono repository of PostHog's size.

What challenges did you encounter?

1. Running PostHog locally: Due to the size of the repository and the many PostHog dependencies, we couldn't run the repository locally and had to look for another means.
2. Codespaces Frustrations: CodeDay helped us in allowing us use codespaces of up to 16 cores which we are grateful for but we still faced certain issues regarding dependencies failing to load along side the master branch of the repository.
Participation Certificate




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