A Short Game - Three Eoliniths

When it comes to technology, I'm usually a hardware guy. For software, I have sparesly created other programs before.

I wanted to explore something I've never done before - making a game. To materialize this idea, I decided to start out in Scratch. It is a short story-line guided game which helped me get familiar with Scratch's core functions. Enjoy!

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

THe original music was found open source free of use online, even though I edit/cropped it later. The characters and art were edited from templates already from Scratch.

What challenges did you encounter?

Outside of the actual concept, I encountered many short difficulties. Flying characters. Setting up variable systems to keep score in different mini games. Movement and other mechanics for these characters. Overall though, using Scratch was a relatively straightforward experience for me.