Number sequence calculator

It is a python script that allows you to quickly and easily calculate the Nth entry in the Fibonacci numbers, Pell numbers, Tribonacci numbers, or Tetranacci numbers, and the sum of inverse squares based on the user input (the user chooses the sequence, and then what entry/iteration they wish to find).
The program additionally gives the user the ratio between the term they chose and the previous, and tells the user the ratio that the terms tend towards with larger values of N.

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

I have 2 years of experience with python, and all code in the project was made by me and me alone.

What challenges did you encounter?

I had to implement an offset system to the loops so that the starting values would be included at the correct indexes within the sequences. Trying to optimize the readability of the outputs was challenging. Overall, I am satisfied with how it turned out. Especially given that it is a solo project and I made it in less than 6 hours of work time.