so, basically we are making an SOS website though it's common but atleast we were striked with this topic 1st becoz of some trending case of shraddha and nirbhya so the website would be turning into app soon and this website is basically in favour of women security... and the main idea is like to hav a sensing which a girl could use when she feels for this app so either she would be clicking on the power button 3 times or she would be clicking volume button same as the power button and it will call people nearby and police nearby the women who is getting affected.....the voice that people and police will be getting is "help!help!"
ppt link -
How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?
What challenges did you encounter?
calling instantly on a particular number
forming the icon of SOS
size of the text