Alan Sproat's Team

Every day, people stand around asking each other "Where are we going for lunch?" Shouldn't there be an app for that? Create an app to find (using google maps api) local restaurants, allow the user to pick as many as they like, put them in a list, then randomly select one when the user enters the app or taps a button. If time permits: keep a log of which were selected and prevent reselection of recent ones link to directions to the selected restaurant track personal ratings of the choices.

What tools did you use to create your project?

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

CodeDay Labs team in the advanced track.

Prior to this internship I had my first Android Class which really sparked my interest in the subject. Once I was put on this team I swapped from iPhone to a Google Pixel so that I could push apps to my phone and I has been very useful in that I can test my app in places other than behind my desk, show other people to get feed back, and try to find different ways to break it. The only thing in the presentation that was not created by me personally is the Cuisine fragment.

As covered in the presentation when I started working on getting user input the Cuisine fragment was a list of scrollable images that did not take into account for price or distance or act as expected when tapping on a image. When a image was tapped you were returned to the old User Input to be asked the same question of what you would like to eat.

What challenges did you encounter?

I am submitting this presentation separately from my group and highlighting the work that I have completed during this internship.

Challenges that I encountered:

-Contextual issues with buttons, alerts, and toasts

-Null Pointers being thrown when:
-Business is no longer in operation
-User does not type anything in the “Type your own”
-No locations returning upon search

-Custom info windows and button placement

-Restarting the app upon completion

-How to display a winner

These are all covered in the presentation along with how I solved them.