
CodeDay Summer 2022San Diego(history) ∙ 
You find yourself in the arctic, your warmth quickly depleting. If your temperature falls below zero, you're done. Spirits begin to form with a fiery like aura, and your only hope is to kill them to steal their warmth, or else they will steal yours. You are armed with a flamethrower, however the heat is taken from your body heat, and so you must use it with caution.

What tools did you use to create your project?

  • pygame

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

Collin - I have worked a good amount in pygame before, never big projects.

Jahan - Lots of skill in music creation and art.

What challenges did you encounter?

At the beginning, we had a hard time deciding how we would manage the work between us two, but we figured it out.
Participation Certificate


Collin G