Disease Dictionary

This application will be a disease dictionary in which medical students, epidemiologists, or just the average person can find information about different diseases and infections around the world. Our app is focused on diseases, so it is sort of a google but just for diseases

What tools did you use to create your project?

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

Ayaan: Intermediate Java, Beginner Android Studio, Beginner UI/UX
Arfan: Intermediate Java, Beginner Android Studio, Beginner UI/UX
Shayaan: Intermediate Java, Intermediate Android Studio
Safwan: Intermediate Java, Beginner Android Studio, Beginner UI/UX

What challenges did you encounter?

We encountered problems with extracting info from the API
We had problems formatting the JSON input
We had no sleep
We found problems displaying the data from our database