
CodeDay Fall 2021SF Bay Area(history) ∙ 
A website dedicated towards ducks because we believe ducks are superior and the masks provided by CodeDay make us look like ducks. We were able to bond over duckdom and share new experiences with each other. It truly brought us together as a family of duckies. :)

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

Between the two of us, we are average coders in HTML/CSS/JS knowledge; while I'm more of a beginner, my partner has a bit more experience in web dev. I have more knowledge in different languages, but definitely a beginner when it comes to web dev. We do not have anything included in our project that we didn't create, everything was done by us. Ultimately, we were able to learn a lot about web dev (and ducks!) through this project :)

What challenges did you encounter?

Sleep deprivation, I struggled with object placements with CSS, and the distribution of divs were hard to understand and follow. Finding Duck photos and running around gathering material was one major concern for our team, but luckily we had willing participants that helped us along the way.
Participation Certificate



