Meal Planner

Virtual CodeDay Fall 2021 ∙ 
This app lets you create meal schedules using your own recipes. It also allows you to randomize your meals if you just don't know what you want to eat.

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

Most of us know some coding, but are doing CodeDay for the first time. The project uses something that none of us but Max use, Android Studio. However, none of us had any experience with Jetpack Console at all. We basically learned as we went, which at least, gives us a skill for the future.

What challenges did you encounter?

Generally, using a language that we've never used before (Kotlin) and using Github, which most of us have also barely used, leads to some technical difficulties. Most of the challenge was not knowing how to do something and not knowing why it isn't running.

We had challenges with navigation mainly, as well as creating a functional UI. We ended up successfully creating a navigation button! :) We also created a calendar page but weren't able to link it to the rest of the code.

We also had trouble with accessing the recipes file and uploading it onto the menu page.
Participation Certificate



