
Virtual CodeDay Fall 2021 ∙ 
It will be a social media where you can drag and drop your photos and chose one of the given humorous filters. Then website will automatically edit it and you can post it publicly, so everyone can see it and give likes. On the home page there will be top 10 best photos of the day. This website will gather together imaginative people from all over the world to have fun!

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

Dastan is quite experienced in Python. He worked with discord bots, used to create some simple websites and loved making command-line interfaces. His role was on implementing server-side of the project.
Yerassyl is a web-developer, who has some experience in React. He has a role of the frontend-master, the project leader and co-founder.
Tamerlan is a guy who is experienced in Java GUI programming, but now is our project designer.

What challenges did you encounter?

There were a plenty of problems we faced while developing Imaginarium.

* Cross-Origin Resource Sharing;
* No documentation for the latest framework version;
* Server-side misleading errors that didn't show the exact mistake;
* Django views issues: unable to create a view for each image filter (using Pillow) we created;
* Troubles in choosing web-app appearance;
* Troubles in logo designing (colors choice, shapes, size etc.)

We couldn't solve them all and didn't get the full result. But we've got a lot of experience and most importantly had fun.

In future we are planning to continue this project
Participation Certificate



