Aayush Saxena's Team

Web application that allows Users to take or upload a photo of a Music Concert Poster, then a Playlist featuring those Artists will be rendered to the Users Spotify account.

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

CodeDay Labs team in the advanced track.
PlayFest utilizes several tools that we did not create such as: Spotify Web API, Tesseract.js, Amazon Web Services.

What challenges did you encounter?

Challenges Faced:
We had to switch between OCR APIs more than once, our primary OCR API, although simple to integrate within the Lambda function, provided a lot of errors in generating Artist name's. Then google cloud vision API was not working within our Lambda function. A better solution was to integrate our functionality to client side to solve these errors, but this poses Security risks for authentication and service keys. Last solution, Tesseract.js library, can be implemented client side, provides accurate results with Artist name's, only downside was speed.

Another issue was with Amazon Web Services, we primarily utilized S3, API Gateway, Lambda. We both were new to AWS technologies and they are simple to get started, but it proved to be difficult when integrated with other tools. AWS Cloudwatch helped significantly with debugging, but with little time we had left we integrated all functionality client-side and were able to get the working implementation we have now.