Alan Sproat's Team

Every day, people stand around asking each other "Where are we going for lunch?" Shouldn't there be an app for that?

Create an app to find (using google maps api) local restaurants, allow the user to pick as many as they like, put them in a list, then randomly select one when the user enters the app or taps a button.

If time permits:

keep a log of which were selected and prevent reselection of recent ones
link to directions to the selected restaurant
track personal ratings of the choices.

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

Dylan - I was familiar with Room database and java going into this project. But not to the extent of how we used java and room database in our project. I never used big API calls, like google maps, so that was entirely new to me. It was awesome learning about JSON objects from google maps!

Daniel - I had worked with Java for about 4 months or so and I had some knowledge of working with Room and SQLite. I only worked with the Google Maps API once prior to this internship, but I was never really comfortable with it until I worked on this project. It was my first time creating and using a custom adapter class in order to populate the view with the data from the database so I thought that was very exciting! I also got the chance to really learn more about the different things that can be done with the XML which I thought was very fun!

Conner - I've worked with APIs before, so it was a nice refresher to use them again. The last android project I built used SQLite, yet being introduced to the local room database was a great learning experience due to its conciseness.