Mikel Howarth's Team - Halogen Web App

Using HTML, Tailwind CSS, and JavaScript technologies, including React, Express, and Node.js., we created a virtual ring light, Halogen. This web app is intended for people to use during their videocall meetings or for influencers when recording videos; essentially, it is economic friendly lighting solution. The web app allows users to custom their own ring light; they would be able to choose the color of the ring, the background, and the name they want to give their customized ring light. The basic functionalities that we implemented and plan to implement are a sign up feature, a row that displays the user favorite customized ring light, and their ring light history. To make data storage possible, we have worked in the backend with Heroku, Mongoose, and MongoDb.

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

CodeDay Labs team in the advanced track.

What challenges did you encounter?

Some challenges we worked with was downloading the Linux software and programs on our windows computer. This was necessary to prevent future issues of not having a Mac when web developing. As a team we learned how to navigate and read through tutorials; a very helpful skill we earned for the future when debugging code. We also encountered issues using VS code as it was a new software to most of us. Reaching out to our amazing mentor, Mikel Howarth, and the code day labs team, we were able to learn to navigate this software. We faced other issues with code too but we learned overall that through communication and research challenges can be overcome or at least understood.