Mingjie Jiang's Team

CodeDay Labs 2021 ∙ 
Design and build a minimal Mailchimp/GMass alternative that allows for easily sending customized emails in batch. This will be fun - most of the features that you'll need to get it up and running already exists as modules/packages, and your goal is to neatly weave them together while considering what makes a tool like this easy to use for the users. You'll also be able to add cool extra features to the tool if time permits.

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

We both had some experience with Front-End development, but not as much with back-end things and databases. The project used node packages to run things such as the server and the process of sending emails.

CodeDay Labs team in the beginner track.

What challenges did you encounter?

We had difficulty understanding server requests and passing information between the pages. We also spent a lot of time determining how to generate campaign ids and how to use them to look up information in the database.
Participation Certificate


Govind S