Financial Literatus

CodeDay Labs 2021 ∙ 
Financial Literatus - a web application to spread financial literacy

Team members: Aleksandr Molchagin, Zwea Htet
Mentor: Joe Wandyez

Target Audience:
Students, and potentially adults

Project Goal:
The goal of the project is to increase users' financial literacy and to help them with finding a career path and a lifestyle that fits not only their needs but also their budget. We believe that budgeting and finance is a key area that is critical for students to understand.

Stack: React, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Redux, Axios, Cheerio, Ant Design, Nivo GitHub, VSCode

Data Source:, Investopedia

Stretch Features (Future Vision):
Budget Tracker, Investment & Savings Modeling, Chatbot, Offline Version, Mobile Version

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

- React, Redux, TypeScript, Axios
After the internship, I can use these tools with confidence.

Some Javascript experience, new to React and Typescript

What we used that we didn't create:
- React and Ant Design libraries for user interface
- Redux as state management tool for react application
- Nivo library for graphs and charts
- Axios to fetch data from external APIs
- Flaticon for logos and icons

What challenges did you encounter?

Some challenges we encountered are:
- State management with React and Redux while fetching data from web sources
(we had some problems with performance while rendering the content that is received through get requests. Our brute force approach is to set time out before updating the data component. A better solution would be to use dispatching async actions with Redux. We currently use async calls to retrieve the data, but we still have one performance bug with the skills graph despite this technique.)

- TypeScript type warnings
(there are some type warnings because using right types doesn't work with few dependencies we use)

- Time limit
(we did not have time to include all stretch features and fix all bugs)
Participation Certificate



