
DiscoWave is making discos just a little bit cooler! With awesome audio visualizations and song suggestions from guests, your next party is going to be even cooler!

DiscoWave is a website that a DJ can use with Spotify. Once a DJ has logged into Spotify, the Spotify API will find the song that is currently playing and will be displayed using an audio visualizer. This audio visualizer can be toggled between two types, allowing the DJ to choose the best one. A QR code will be on the screen, and other people can scan it to suggest songs they want to be played.

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

CodeDay Labs team in the beginner track.

What challenges did you encounter?

- Spotify OAuth quota extensions
- In development mode, the number of users is 20 that can use your OAuth app, and they
needed to be added
- Spotify needed a finished product to review the quota extension
- Still processing as of August 5th, 2021 (Update: quota extension processed as of August 8th, 2021 after one failed attempt. Spotify Login works now for everyone!)
- We substituted it with GitHub OAuth
- P5.js w/NextJS
- P5.js is meant to use with a web editor, not NextJS. It was really hard to use P5.js (for our audio visualizer) in NextJS
- There is not any documentation on this use case
- Barely managed to make it work with the help of GitHub Issues