Radon Rosborough's Team

In this project we will learn about and contribute to open-source tooling used by Infrastructure/DevOps engineers in industry. We will start by selecting a project, such as Docker (https://github.com/docker/cli) or Terraform (https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform), and then we will identify tasks of appropriate complexity to start contributing improvements.

Best case scenario, you'll pick up knowledge that will allow you to effectively deploy and scale your applications in future work, while learning how to meaningfully engage with the community around an established open-source project.

I work professionally on an Infrastructure/DevOps team and maintain a number of open-source projects outside of work, so I have a fair amount of context on these communities and can offer guidance on how to orient yourself and how to identify good problems to try solving.

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

CodeDay Labs team in the beginner track.