Objects that spawn in the game move towards eachother eventually forming connections. Your goal is to break these connections before the objects eventually collide. If the objects touch eachother or you touch one of the objects, Game Over.
How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?
I have experience with C#, Java, HTML, CSS, some JS, some Python, Unity, Godot, and have dabbled into C/C++ a bit.
Trent, a musician that I collaborated with has been doing music production for about 2 years.
What challenges did you encounter?
While the gameplay was easy to create at the start, I still did face some challenges.
Most of the challenges that I encountered were mostly gameplay related or tech related.
It was difficult to communicate to the player when they are in a dire situation, specifically when two objects are about to collide with eachother. To solved this I applied more post processing when two objects we're about to collide with eachother, as well as made a blinking animation for the enemies.
I also tried to use a leaderboard system cause I wanted to try something new. That completely failed because I wasn't able to store player information and for some reason the SDK sent too many requests to the server. If I do something like a leaderboard I'll probably use something I have more control over (Socket.IO) and not something I have less control over (like LookLocker)
I also had to be careful not to send too many tween requests or recursive functions since that could crash the game.