SONAC Team Pink - Native Art Designs

Virtual CodeDay June 2021 ∙ 
An app that allows the user to draw overlayed on top of Native American designs (connecting to the team's Native American heritage) as a destressor focusing on improving mental health.

This idea and work is from the SONAC Team Pink (Scarlett Smith, Skyler Jacobs, Ciani Smith, Rebecca Balgari) - a group of 9-12-year-olds from the Sisterhood of Native American Coders, who received special permission from a CodeDay event organizer to participate in CodeDay.

Elisabeth Holm, founder of Sisterhood of Native American Coders, acted as their relay (due to platform restrictions on age), which is why she is the only listed "member" of this project, but the girls did all of the work in creating the app idea and prototype.

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

We don't have very much experience in coding. Through SONAC, we've learned a bit about how to code and make apps, but this is our first major project and first hackathon. Because of this, we followed a tutorial for the base of our app, then made custom edits to make it fit our own app idea.

What challenges did you encounter?

It was hard to work together because we are spread all across the country and have different schedules, but we all learned about apps by making ours as a team and we had a lot of fun.
Participation Certificate




Elisabeth H