
This app is an app where you learn new words. The app's purpose is to get peoples vocabulary better. We randomly generate a word from a dictionary API, and we display it with the words phonetics, the words pronunciation, and the definition of the word in a flashcard form, and then take a short quiz on the words you just learned.

Our app has a homepage which features a dropdown menu to decide how much words you want to learn. Then, we feature a flashcard page which is a flashcard with the word on one side, and on the other side we have phonetics, a button to play the word out loud, the definition, and finally the parts of speech of the word. After that, we have a quiz, which tests you on the words you just learned, and finally it shows your results

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

Safwan: Intermediate Java, Intermediate UI designer
Shayaan: Intermediate-Advanced Java, Intermediate Android Studio coder
Ayaan: Intermediate Java, Amateur UI designer, Amateur Android Studio coder
Arfan: Intermediate Java, Amateur Android studio coder, Project Manager

What challenges did you encounter?

Debugging code
Tight on time for UI
Figure out the dictionary API