SONAC Team Purple - LGBTQAwareness

Virtual CodeDay June 2021 ∙ 
An app with components on MIT App Inventor and with Python that raises awareness about LGBTQ issues and information with a forum component for the LGBTQ community and allies, as well as a test-your-knowledge quiz component.

This idea and work is from the SONAC Team Purple (Niayla Curley, Madelyne Gallagher, and Lyndi Cisco) - a group of 9-12-year-olds from the Sisterhood of Native American Coders, who received special permission from a CodeDay event organizer to participate in CodeDay.

Elisabeth Holm, founder of Sisterhood of Native American Coders, acted as their relay (due to platform restrictions on age), which is why she is the only listed "member" of this project, but the girls did all of the work in creating the app idea and prototype.

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

We have very little experience with coding. The project does not use anything that we didn't make.

What challenges did you encounter?

The project uses some more coding that we weren’t able to finish. Although I’m sure we got most of what needed to be done for the app done and out of the way. One big challenge that we faced was knowing what coding blocks to use and how to use the blocks. We also ran into some internet/uploading issues, which is why we were only able to show our app in our demo but not able to submit the link to it.
Participation Certificate


Elisabeth H