Sunset Dash - Team WinnRs

Virtual CodeDay June 2021 ∙ 
What if you play as a robot with a conscience in a desolate city flooded with deadly robots, and the robot runs towards the sunset just to feel an ounce of freedom.

We're making an endless runner where the player plays as a robot that has to avoid deadly robots while getting the highest score possible. We will be using Unreal Engine 4 to make this project.

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

Ashraf M: I've been coding in UE4 for almost a year now.
Matthew L: "with blender? idk like 3 hours of tutorials"
Lynn O: I have about 2-3 years with this type of audio creation.

The only assets that were premade were the buildings, collectibles, player model, and particle effects. Other than that everything was made by us. We did have to implement all these assets into the code to autogenerate them.

*video is fuzzy due to video compression and decreasing bitrate to match the 125 MB upload cap*

What challenges did you encounter?

Ashraf M: I've never worked with procedural-generation before.
Matthew: Never used blender before.
Lynn O: Lack of musical ideas, since I haven't made something in this genre of music before.
Participation Certificate

