Mobile app for the SCP Wiki made in SwiftUI with web scraping.
How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?
I have never used SwiftUI and barely touched Swift in the past.
All data from the SCP Wiki is not mine.
What challenges did you encounter?
At 10:30 PM Local Time I decided to not use webscraping and create a simple Python Web API.
Caching is an issue that will likely not be tackled during CodeDay, that's why there's a delay when moving between views.
This is my first SwiftUI project and first full Swift project. All data is taken from via webscraping (and a Python module, SCPScraper). Some say "null" and I believe that is due to the Python module or something. If I had more time, I could have created and/or cached the entire SCP Wiki locally and it would have been faster.