What if Puzzle?

Virtual CodeDay June 2021 ∙ 
The project primarily is based on a 3x3 grid puzzle on the OLED display (.96''), where to win one must move pieces around to finish the picture. The puzzle takes sensory inputs from the button and rotary potentiometer to move pieces around to form the picture.
BTW: I am using the Grove Begineer Kit.

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

I have some experience with using Arduino/C++ for simple and "stupid" projects I make at home. However, this is my first time using the grove kit (while I did have the same sensors as separate pieces on the kit).
Code from GitHub is all made from scratch and the only part of the project I didn't technically create is the image to .cpp program that I have utilized to create the bitmap of images.

What challenges did you encounter?

To be honest, I had a lot of issues everywhere. Since it was my first time using the Arduino coding language, I had to learn the differences in methods, syntax, and other things, between Arduino and python. I could divide my challenges into two types. Type 1 is the challenge with the OLED display and the sensory inputs/outputs. Type 2 is the coding issue. During the beginning of the project on Friday (06/12), I was struggling in understanding how the OLED display worked, especially cause the ones I used for of a different type. However, I got help external help and was able to resolve the issue quickly. After, I started working on the actual code and the only major issue I faced took about a couple of hours to solve, and it was more of a learning issue, where I had to browse and learn about the conversion concepts from bitmap to image and vise versa. At the end of the day, I was able to finish the project, and am extremely happy with the results. Overall, I would say that for every minute of coding I spent 10 minutes debugging and learning. However, I learned a lot of new things, and I have many great ideas for future projects!
Participation Certificate




Radhakrishna V

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