Curious Miner

We want to make a game where you can mine when you travel to new places using the Digikey kit. The display will have a tiny graphic with directions and distance to the nearest mine spot. However, due to time restraints, we had resorted to a much simpler idea. The player will basically press buttons on their Digikey to simulate mining gold (like a cookie-clicker) and simply exchange their gold for random item achievements.

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

We have two beginners in coding the Arduino kit given by Digikey(thanks Digikey). The other team member is good at coding in Kivy but doesn't know how to use the Digikey kit. So, we wanted to challenge ourselves by using the Digkey kit to connect a button to our app. The description is above, so I don't want to be repetitive.