Laser Bullet

Virtual CodeDay Winter 2021 ∙ 
I wanted to participate in another gamejam/hackathon, but Codeday was running at the same time so I decided to do BOTH!! :)
(Note: While the other hackathon started a few hours before Codeday, I only worked on the project during Codeday)

The theme for the other game jam was "FAILURE is PROGRESS"
So I did a bullet hell game but instead of dying when your HP reaches 0, you restart and gain 1 extra health than what you initially had last round.
I also changed the goal of the game. Instead of the goal being to shoot enemies, you have to orient the laser to avoid hitting the enemies.
After shooting the laser a certain amount of times you move to the next round.

The first video has all the gameplay.
The second video has some gameplay with audio (because I forgot to record the audio in the first take)

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

While I have been using Unity, and I am familiar with bullet hell games, the laser itself took a lot of trial and error. It was mainly shaders and using line renderers that was most challenging. Post processing even had a problem with the laser, so I had to disable it.
(To be honest right now the laser is actually buggy however I avoid showing that bug in video footage)

One of my friends Trent did the music but there wasn't enough time to add his codeday account to the project.
Participation Certificate


Sam W