Deepayan Sanyal (Solo Individual)

Virtual CodeDay Winter 2020 ∙ 
Cheating no longer carries the stigma that it used to. Less social disapproval coupled with increased competition for admission into universities and graduate schools has made more students willing to do whatever it takes to secure the A. Grades, rather than education, have become the major focus of many students. Students cheat because of pressure to succeed, which isn't going away any time soon. Additionally, with more and more students enrolling in classes that appeal to admission officers rather than signing up for classes that involve their interests, students tend to become disinterested in the material required for their classes and are more likely to cheat. The opportunity to cheat devalues the importance of learning and places an unintended importance on the letter grade or a test score, which defeats the purpose of school. However, it is incredibly difficult for teachers to enforce anti-cheating methods. Creating multiple forms for tests and homework or enacting policies against cheating are both wasteful and ineffective. No teacher can control what goes on outside the walls of their classrooms. Answers are shared, papers are exchanged, and there is no proper solution in place to prevent that.

To solve these problems, I created Neumann, named after the inventor and early pioneer of pseudo-random numbers. The user interface is simple - with a few clicks, you can create a new test, add questions, and edit them. There's no limit to how many questions you can have!

You can also choose how many questions you have on each worksheet; for example, if you have a test bank of 500 questions, you can choose to only have 20 (random) questions for each test, which allows for more flexibility. Once you save the file, you can access it as a pdf from your file system, which is well formatted and ready for students to take.

The highlight of Neumann is how customizable it is. You can choose how many copies, questions per sheet, and add questions with a few clicks of a button. The tests are always fully randomized, so no two people have the same exact order, or even the same exact questions.

Neumann was built on a python structure consisting of four main classes: the main class (which handles UI), and three helper classes which it calls. These classes include task manager, pdf generator, and file manager, which work together to create a cohesive application, which is displayed in a simple format to the user through a markup file.

Overall, Neumann provides a simple and streamlined interface for teachers to create fully customizable tests and worksheets, and eliminates the possibility of plagiarism while revolutionizing education.
Participation Certificate
