Studio 721

Mentor: Stephen Cerruti, Lead of Computer Science and Design Thinking at e3 Civic High

Team members: Joseph Shepin, Dream Dasgupta, Xoshil Chen-Marquez

Schools around the world reacted to the COVID-19 pandemic in different ways. Those schools in position to take advantage of remote learning adopted video conferencing platforms originally intended for business. The few exceptions were developed for higher education where online learning was already taking hold. As schools struggle to plan the 2020-2021 school year under the new normal they are searching for tools that are a better fit for their needs.
This project builds an open source educational video conferencing platform by adding features more applicable to secondary education and tightly coupled with Google Apps for Education. An in-progress draft of the complete specification of Studio 721 can be found online. During this internship you will be focused on using APIs to connect a video conferencing platform to Google Classroom and developing the software necessary for synchronized remote YouTube video playback and remote Google Slides control.
The ideal candidate for this position has an interest in open source projects to benefit education, has learned in an online class and can express advantages and disadvantages, has used Google Classroom or another LMS, has experience building software on existing APIs and has an interest in either video protocols and techniques for video playback used at sites like TubeShare or in the APIs around Google Docs or Google Apps for Education.

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

CodeDay Labs advanced-track team