Mentor: Morgan Sorbaro, Engineer at Facebook
Team members: Shulammite Lim, Makhmud Islamov, Chinonso obidike
Starting to work out and go to the gym is hard. However, let's try to make it fun! Let's build an app in React where users can log their workouts and challenge friends to do a specific workout.
The features we would work on are:
1. Profile - see information about the current user, fitness goals they have, workouts they have done etc.
2. Sign in / Sign Up - users can make accounts or log in
3. Friending - be able to friend other users, users should be able to accept or deny friend requests
4. Send workout challenges - user can create a check list (aka list of workouts to do) and send it to a friend as a challenge!
5. Other features - if you like this idea and want to learn react and have ideas to make this even more exciting, lets implement those too!
Tech stack: React Native. We will be using Expo for a developer environment.
How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?
CodeDay Labs advanced-track team