Mentor: Lola Egherman, Fungineer at CodeDay
Team members: Elizabeth Qiu, Suhani Patel, Kavya Somala
Using python, create a Telegram bot to interact with GitHub in various ways. Users will be able to:
- Authenticate with GitHub
- Search for repositories by name, language, or with search terms
- Star, Fork, and Watch repositories (If authenticated)
- Search and create Issues and Pull Requests
- App will be built and run using Docker
Students will learn how to:
- use the `python-telegram-bot` and `PyGithub` modules
- store sensitive user data
- create, build, and run a basic Dockerfile
- effectively collaborate with each other using Git and GitHub
Basic knowledge of Python required
How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?
CodeDay Labs beginner-track team