ISO 8583 Ingestion

CodeDay Labs 2020 ∙ 
Mentor: Gurjot Kaur Bandasha, Engineering Manager at Dataseers

Team members: Mustafa Yasir, Kavin Manivasagam

You order a pizza, get an Uber, send money to a friend Do you guys ever wonder how these transactions are following into the system? With all these new apps like cash app, Venmo, and Facebook money transfer, you can send money instantly but what is really happening in the background? The data flow is what you will be working on, converting raw data into actionable insights. You will be ingesting ISO 8583 messages which are the standards and we have various programs already written to parse and ingest that messages but we will be using ECL HPCC which is a big data platform tool in collaboration with Kibana, elastic and Logstash which are the tools used in the industry for fast and better visualization. Initially you will need to understand the ISO 8583 message and its importance in the industry. I am attaching few helpful links to help get you started.

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

CodeDay Labs advanced-track team
Participation Certificate
