
CodeDay Labs 2020 ∙ 
Mentor: Courtney Shearer, Engineer at Zymergen

Team members: Gabriela Medvetska, Ana Lomidze, Ashley Gong

This is a full stack web application that helps users keep track of content they are reading, both from different news sources, audiobooks, and physical books. There could be a NLP analytics portion of this project, or it could simply be a tracker for basic things like articles/books read in certain months, genre breakdowns etc. We could tie in content from amazon purchases/manual entry/goodreads/news source etc (lots of API options here!)

The bulk of the backend will be done with python/flask and the front end can be with react. I was also wondering about donations of aws compute credits, this may be useful for hosting content and potentially for training models for the book recommendation portion (depending on student interests).

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

CodeDay Labs advanced-track team
Participation Certificate


Ashley G