omegaUp Analytics

CodeDay Labs 2020 ∙ 
Mentor: Carlos Cordova, Engineer at omegaUp

Team members: Nicole Smith

omegaUp is an open source coding platform used by thousands of students in Latin America. We have recently launched open programming courses and we need help from interns to contribute with a metrics systems that can help us identify and analyze the students progress, particularly which students are stuck and where do they need help so our content managers can focus their efforts to improve the material.

The work involved is full stack from MySQL/PHP & Vue.js + Typescript on the frontend. Prior experience with one of these technologies will be helpful.

While everybody speaks English at omegaUp, our official communication language is in Spanish (design specs, docs, etc..). Ability to read and write in Spanish is preferable, this will do also as an excellent immersive summer in Spanish too! :)

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

CodeDay Labs advanced-track team
Participation Certificate


Nicole S