Weighted Lottery Event Registration System

CodeDay Labs 2020 ∙ 
Mentor: Adam Ryman, Engineer at Value Creation Machine LLC

Team members: Sherry Wang, Marianne Tolentino, Yasiris Ortiz

Create a weighted lottery based event registration system.

Audience: Reoccurring events with limited capacity. Where you want everyone to, on average, be selected the same number of times to attend the event.

Your team will build a cloud hosted SAS (software as a service) for event organizers.
Including an interface for event organizers and attendees, a backend service, and a datastore.

Rough Feature Specification:

- Event organizer registration and deregistration.
- Event organizer interface, creating events, inviting people, setting lottery times, etc.
- Event registration and deregistration.
- Notifications of lottery registration beginning.
- Lottery registration and deregistration.
- Notifications to winners.
- Persist information about winners to inform next lottery.

Stretch Features:

- Interface for event organizer to optionally penalize winners for not attending an event or canceling their RSVP early.
- In the case of a winner canceling their RSVP, allow for interface to lottery out the new opening.
- Give event organizer further control
- Give event organizer statistics

Rough Technical Specification:

- Database to persist users, events, attendance, etc
- Backend service that interacts with datastore, performs lotteries, and interacts with front end.
- Frontend
- Texting (SMS)
- Simple Web UI for event organizer

Stretch Technical:

- Frontend
- Web UI for attendees
- Web UI for registration
- Email User Interface
- Style the various web UI's

Technology and Tooling:

The team will decide what languages, technology, and tooling that will be used for this project.

However, I will be most helpful in the tools below:

- Golang
- Amazon Web Services
- Twillio

I also have experience in:

- Python
- Java
- C#
- Google Cloud Services
- Postgres

Once again, the team will decide. Feel free to suggest Node, Typescript, Ruby, ArangoDB, Azure, or whatever else you want to use. I will let you know how I can help.

Looking forward to working with you. Let's build something cool.

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

CodeDay Labs advanced-track team
Participation Certificate

