Santa Game

Virtual CodeDay December 2020 ∙ 
A game where SANTA kill the ghosts by giving love. It is a 2D game. It is made using pygame (a python module for making games).

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

Kaleab Asfaw: I am a grade 11 student and have 2 years of experience in python 3. I also know HTML, CSS, JS, and react js.

Kidus Alemayehu: I have 2 years of experience in python 3. I have been working on Machine Learning Basics in python.

Chris Brown: I know basic HTML CSS. I have been using free code camp and some in Khan academy. I have created a landing page, an email page, and a UI interface.

Alexandre Manley: I know basic HTML. I have participated in 2 Codedays so far. My brother won an award at the Codeday with Lexus Nexus. I may not be the best at coding, but I do have great ideas.

Participation Certificate




Alexandre Manley