Project Nested by The Four Horsemen of Chaos

Virtual CodeDay December 2020 ∙ 
Our currently unnamed game starts with the player character in a dystopian society that has expended all of the available natural resources. Due to this necessity and the advanced technology of the time, the government sends you the player to go back in time to collect natural resources to return back "for the future" so that they can replenish their natural resources. On your way traveling back in time you find ants that drag you to their ant colony. Learn the basic controls of the game in order to escape the ant colony

(note: the number of feathers on the dreamcatcher is equivalent to the players health)

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

Samuel has prior experience programming and using Unity, as well as ocassionally Godot.
Camilo has prior experience with art and animation but this is the first time he made a large background.
This is the first time Joy has gotten into Godot so that was a challenge
Mia focused on story however we didnt have time to add dialog boxes in the game :(
Anthony made music previously
We didn't have time to link everyones codeday accounts :(

Participation Certificate



