MasterMind is a web game version of the board game mastermind. The computer generates a random combination which you will try to guess. You can select one of the 4 dots at the top and type a color. (Capitalized letters needed) The colors are Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Cyan, and White. Once you enter your guess some results will show up. These results include your answer and clues. The black dot in the clues section means that a color is in the right place but a white dot means a color is included in both your combination and the answer. You don’t know which colors the dots are referring to so you can keep guessing and narrowing down your options. You know you have cracked the code once all result dots are black. Here is a tutorial if you are stuck - https://www.wikihow.com/Play-Mastermind?amp=1
P.S You get infinite tries but try to improve every time and enjoy!
How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?
I am a beginner in web design. I have made few HTML webpages some of which still don’t work but I am new to CSS.
What challenges did you encounter?
I had trouble with JavaScript syntax and some CSS position styling.