Resto Roulette by Team Chibog

Virtual CodeDay Fall 2021 ∙
User: Where are we eating?
RestoRoulette: I decide!

This app was created to automatically pick a restaurant for the user. On average, an American couple spends 132 hours each year deciding where to eat. That is almost 6 days each year! With the use of this app, not only are we hoping to decrease the time each person spends choosing a restaurant, but we’re also adding an element of surprise to the process, as the restaurants are picked at random based on the user’s location

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

- Elizabeth Xu has 1 year of programming experience in Python and basic experience with Java.
- Mary Reyes is currently learning Python, and is most comfortable with SQL and R.
- Justine Cho has experience with Python, machine learning, and data analysis.
- Clark Ngo currently works as a software engineer.

What challenges did you encounter?

We ran through a few issues while working on this project:
During the planning stages, there were a handful of features that we wanted to add but didn’t have enough time to do.
We’ve used a few IDEs while working on this project, going back and forth between a few of them as we couldn’t figure out which one works best for our app.
We weren’t familiar with JavaScript due to our preferred programming language of Python. However, we were able to learn how to effectively use the programs by googling and understanding how to get our desired output.
Participation Certificate




Clark Ngo