sussy lamp

Virtual CodeDay Fall 2021 ∙
an audio visualiser that is sus


after collecting data from a microphone, a microcontroller will run an FFT algorithm on it to generate a frequency spectrum. depending on which frequency is the most dominant, an RGB LED will change color and react to the music! a RGB LED strip can be added on, too
(also it's shaped like an among us crewmate)

note: this project was made 2 weeks prior, on-and-off (to procrastinate on studying for my exams), but codeday pushed me to finish it + create a demo video 👀

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

I have some experience working with Arduino, and am able to create the hardware side fairly straightforward. The code, however, was largely made functional by the arduinoFFT library! It handled the mathy parts of the code, and I also used the ArduinoOTA library to add OTA code uploading functionality to the project.

What challenges did you encounter?

Initially I used an Arduino UNO, but it was very slow and inaccurate. Tweaking the SAMPLES parameter didn't help either (more samples = more accuracy = more computation = slower runtime, so it was a tradeoff). I then switched to a NodeMCU microcontroller, and things sped up a bit because of the increased clock speed. Using a NodeMCU also allowed WiFi functionality too, and I was able to use ArduinoOTA to upload my code wirelessly.
Participation Certificate


Special Prize
Most Sus Among Us




Zhi Zheng

Hardware category supported by
