
Many sports events are now run asynchronously: competitors can start at different times and they are ranked by their time, not who finished first. You will build a web application to load multiple GPS tracks and align all the start times so that competitors can see a replay of everyone synchronized. This will be useful to runners, hikers, mountain bikers, sailors, etc. web dev, frontend, map, gis, gps, backend, sport

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

CodeDay Labs team in the advanced track.

What challenges did you encounter?

We didn't know a whole lot about React hooks prior to this project, so learning to use them was challenging.
Approaching asynchronous functions in react was an interesting challenge as well.
We learned that storing data on Firebase must be stored in JSON-compatible types, (eg no JS Date objects), which blocked us until we learned about ISO-8601 strings.