Rob Moore's Team

CodeDay Labs 2021 ∙
Project Idea: CI Build Observability

Short-form Description:

A web app for visualising developer productivity bottlenecks, based on data about build times and build failures, gathered from Jenkins CI builds.


- CI tool and targets: Jenkins builds for either Java or JS programs (whichever you prefer).
- Website technology: ReactJS or NextJS (whichever you prefer), using Javascript or Typescript (whichever you prefer) deployed onto AWS.

Differentiating Learning Points:

- Working with one of the most common CI tools, used in many professional environments
- Visualising data in a way that can be used to motivate investment decisions from sponsors
- Talking and learning from developers about the CI they have in their projects

Long-form Description:

Developers around the world spend a lot of time looking at their corroborated build pipelines, running in a variety of tools such as Jenkins, TeamCity, GitLab etc.

Something which is recently gaining traction is the idea of developer productivity engineering, popularised by famous engineering organisations like Netflix. This is the practice of looking at the ways your engineers are working, and trying to enable them to spend more time solving customer problems (experiments with new features & fixing bugs), and less time on internal technical problems (waiting for slow builds, troubleshooting build failures). An underpinning need here is having observability of developer infrastructure, to know how to prioritise the work of improving developer productivity.

However, the majority of organisations producing software still aren't gathering metrics on the way developers interact with their software pipelines, and so fail to understand the costs and opportunities within their existing developer infrastructure.

I am looking for people who are interested in developing a small web app which shows a simple dashboard about developer productivity bottlenecks, based on build times and build failures, and iterating on that to provide something even better.

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

CodeDay Labs team in the advanced track.
Participation Certificate

