
This project is a resume creation service that easily and conveniently generates a resume PDF for a user to use. It simplifies the task of creating a resume for an individual. Users can get started by entering all the details they want on their resume onto our website. These details can include their personal information, education, work experience, skills, etc. After all of the information is submitted, the resume is instantly generated. The user can then choose to download the resume or email it to a specified email address.

Front-end technologies used:
- Javascript

Back-end technologies used:
- PostgreSQL
- Java
- Spring Boot

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

CodeDay Labs team in the advanced track.

What challenges did you encounter?

It was our first time using Spring Boot and PostgreSQL., and we had very limited experience with Javascript prior to this. However, we were able to do research and quickly learn enough about these technologies to implement them into the program.

We also constantly ran into issues with Maven dependencies and Java libraries. For instance, we were unable to get the email feature working when we were working with Java SDK 16, and had to downgrade to Java SDK 1.8 for the feature to function properly. We were able to resolve most of these issues through research and discussions. Our mentor also provided helpful resources when we approached him about some of the challenges we were facing.

Overall, although we ran into many challenges throughout the development process, we were able to push past them by researching the problems online and reaching out to our support network during this internship.