WW3 Jetpack boy

Virtual CodeDay June 2021 ∙ 
A version of jetpack joyride made in a WW3 era with a bunch of flying farm animals.

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

Marlin has experience with Java, HTML, CSS, Python, C#, Scratch, some C++, Ruby, Unity and Earsketch. This is his 4th codeday.
Samuel has experience with C#, Java, HTML, CSS, some JS, some Python, Unity, Godot, Raylib, Scratch
Mikhail has experience with Scratch, Java, C#, JavaScript, Python, HTML, CSS, SQL, and LISP. He has only used Unity for CodeDay so far with this being his 4th ever.
Marya has used scratch and made crappy, and not crappy projects
Andrew is experienced in scratch, java and has used unity. This is his 1st codeday.

What challenges did you encounter?

Marlin - Some things like shooting was hard to do. Had to follow tutorials. Also had to fix errors.
Participation Certificate


Marya K